COPYRITE 1988 R.K.ENGLEHART 267 CURTNER AVE #2 PALO ALTO,CA. 94306 I would like to thank Steve NyBlom of NyBlom's Deli in San Jose for all of his help with these recipes, which as far as I know are unique. Also, these files are written in ASCII as an example of how files can be written using a very simple editor. In this case, the editor is Norton Commander. The files are limited to approximately 21K. Steve NyBlom's Deli is a study in itself, being a combination antique furniture store and deli restaurant. Its location is 750 Willow Street, San Jose, Calif. 95125. The phone number is (408) 283-0303. We would be very interested in any food products which are not locally represented and could be labeled under the NyBlom's Deli label. There is no charge for the use of this program nor do we accept any liability arising from its use. We do request that should the recipes be reprinted in any manner, that credit be given to NyBlom's Deli. We would like to have submissions sent to R.K. Englehart at the Curtner Street address; however, the addendum updates to these files will cost $5.00 per update. We have a current update ready, which is not included on this disk.